I feel spring in the air, days are more sunny and nice. In the weather forecast, I saw, that all this week is going to be hot. Maybe that is the time to take a bike from a garage and trip in the forest, or even farther than it. The more sport the better.
My condition is better and better each one day. When I started to going to the gym I feel that I can make more, I feel stronger.
After 3 weeks with exercises, I increased load from 5 to even 20 kg. I have also few training sets which I can make at home. I feel the power but there are no results which I expected - no losing weight and centimeters in waist or stomach. I know, that muscles are also weigh something and that I can even gain weight when I’m making exercises.
But I’m just a human, I have to see the weight loss because it’s the only one motivation which I have. The most of my trousers are too big (even these which I used before I got pregnant), they are hanging on my bottom like on a hanger, the most of my rings again fits to my fingers (some of them are even too big), the blouse, which my husband bought me some time ago too small (he confused the sizes) is perfect for me now. It’s heart-warming, otherwise, it would be too hard for me to find any motivation to workout.
Sometimes I feel that the most I achieved the most I require for myself. And even if I give myself best I’m disappointed when I see no results.
And when I go there to make exercises there is a lot of slim, beautiful girls, which look like from the main page of newspapers for women… It doesn’t help :( When compare myself with them I look like a brawn… even if I look ok now. So now you can imagine the scale. I think I haven’t seen there very often girls with a little fat, and no those abdominis.
I think the biggest problem, which have are stomach muscles, they shrank a little bit after birth, but not enough to go on the beach without a shame.
And also for 2 weeks, I couldn’t even go to the gym, because I’m sick again. I have no power for anything. I still have a strong cough, but I try to go outside, cause it’s a pity to not to use this sunny day and fresh wind.
Cats also felt a spring and they catch every ray of light. They spend all days on the loggia :)
For me working outside is also a pleasure. And of course with cats company, it’s easier to work ;)
My DIY for September-October charity auction slowed down. I still make a crochet skirt (for myself) - it takes so much time. It’s my first time to make so huge project.
So from the last note, I made only a crochet pencil case (which was tested by the best tester - Purka) ;)
I’m going to make some handmade soaps next month, I haven't seen which products I’ll need, but I still have a time. I’ll order everything after 10th of April.
Additionally I made 20 more shrinky dinks pendants for March unexpected charity auction. Girls from Koteria told me, that they need some money to make renovation of Koteria medical centre, so I decided to help them :)
I was thinking about making just a few pendants, but when I started drawing it was hard to stop!
If you want to support Koteria, you can buy something HERE.
A lot of people are selling nice items, so there is a large selection of everything.
Out little star has almost 1,5 year, so we decided to make her a busy board.
We bought plywood, locks, latches, circles and 3 boxes in the home-improvement store. We also made a section with buttons, potentiometers, and switches which are controlling leds.
Maja has a fun with this. For now, she likes boxes and switches the most.
Here you have a movie how does it look like :) it was just 3 evenings of making (with buying things which we forgot about, or if the drill broke etc).
My name day was nice this year despite my illness. My husband bought me 2 games (board and card one) and we were playing to the midnight :)
And a few days earlier I was making shopping with my mom and I got 2 pairs of jeans from her.
When we were looking for a ‘this ideal’ trousers we saw genius trousers with a lot of colorful sew-on badges. I would maybe buy it, but on each one trousers, there was at least one badge which I didn’t like. So we bought classic jeans and I decided to renew some of my old trousers. I bought a bag of sew-on badges in haberdashery and I made ‘this ideal’ trousers myself :)
Ok, I know that it probably look strange for you, but I really like it!
And you know what? I don’t care if someone doesn’t like it. I heard laugh a lot of time, when someone saw me in cat hat etc because it’s “the suit is adequate for the child”, but I always ignore it and even don’t bother it.
Maybe I’m not comfortable in every company because I have my opinion on each subject... So probably I broke contact with another 2 people…
One concerns a person, which was notoriously offended my family and I couldn’t dissuade him it in any way.
And the second one is more interested species - my friend, which suddenly refused me to come for name day tea (you know - tea or coffee, some cake, maybe walking somewhere with our daughters). As an excuse she told, that she’s afraid of my HEALTHY cats; she’s pregnant and she’s sure that they’ll infect her by a toxoplasmosis. Well… I don’t have time to change her medieval views, I tried once without any effect, so I gave up. I didn’t want end this relationship, but everything shows that it is the end.
Actually - in both cases, I should write, that they broke a contact with me. Both of them I wrote what do I think about their behavior and they are silent since that.
And I’m not sure if I should feel sorry about this or if I should be happy, because the sooner the better...
After 3 weeks with exercises, I increased load from 5 to even 20 kg. I have also few training sets which I can make at home. I feel the power but there are no results which I expected - no losing weight and centimeters in waist or stomach. I know, that muscles are also weigh something and that I can even gain weight when I’m making exercises.
But I’m just a human, I have to see the weight loss because it’s the only one motivation which I have. The most of my trousers are too big (even these which I used before I got pregnant), they are hanging on my bottom like on a hanger, the most of my rings again fits to my fingers (some of them are even too big), the blouse, which my husband bought me some time ago too small (he confused the sizes) is perfect for me now. It’s heart-warming, otherwise, it would be too hard for me to find any motivation to workout.
Sometimes I feel that the most I achieved the most I require for myself. And even if I give myself best I’m disappointed when I see no results.
And when I go there to make exercises there is a lot of slim, beautiful girls, which look like from the main page of newspapers for women… It doesn’t help :( When compare myself with them I look like a brawn… even if I look ok now. So now you can imagine the scale. I think I haven’t seen there very often girls with a little fat, and no those abdominis.
I think the biggest problem, which have are stomach muscles, they shrank a little bit after birth, but not enough to go on the beach without a shame.
And also for 2 weeks, I couldn’t even go to the gym, because I’m sick again. I have no power for anything. I still have a strong cough, but I try to go outside, cause it’s a pity to not to use this sunny day and fresh wind.
So from the last note, I made only a crochet pencil case (which was tested by the best tester - Purka) ;)
Additionally I made 20 more shrinky dinks pendants for March unexpected charity auction. Girls from Koteria told me, that they need some money to make renovation of Koteria medical centre, so I decided to help them :)
A lot of people are selling nice items, so there is a large selection of everything.
Out little star has almost 1,5 year, so we decided to make her a busy board.
Here you have a movie how does it look like :) it was just 3 evenings of making (with buying things which we forgot about, or if the drill broke etc).
Ok, I know that it probably look strange for you, but I really like it!
Maybe I’m not comfortable in every company because I have my opinion on each subject... So probably I broke contact with another 2 people…
One concerns a person, which was notoriously offended my family and I couldn’t dissuade him it in any way.
And the second one is more interested species - my friend, which suddenly refused me to come for name day tea (you know - tea or coffee, some cake, maybe walking somewhere with our daughters). As an excuse she told, that she’s afraid of my HEALTHY cats; she’s pregnant and she’s sure that they’ll infect her by a toxoplasmosis. Well… I don’t have time to change her medieval views, I tried once without any effect, so I gave up. I didn’t want end this relationship, but everything shows that it is the end.
Actually - in both cases, I should write, that they broke a contact with me. Both of them I wrote what do I think about their behavior and they are silent since that.
And I’m not sure if I should feel sorry about this or if I should be happy, because the sooner the better...
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