Summary of 2016

So far I made it each year, but in December 2015 I had crazy time, co I missed it ;)
I decided to start with cleaning up my online accounts: I organised links: I made categories for purr blogs and not purr blogs, I moved blogs which I read from bookmarks in Chrome to blog, these blogs which probably died I moved from blog to bookmarks - I’m going to visit them for time to time.

I also removed my ‘shade’ friends from facebook - people who don’t care about me - not writing and not reacting from years.

I had a very creative year - I made a lot of friendship bracelets, I sew few things (chimney scarfs, blanket, pillow, baby sleeping bag and some toys), I made washi tape ornaments, I learned how to make tutu skirt and cross-stitch pictures.

I enter New Year with weight below 70 kg, I lost almost 20 kg in one year, which I’m proud of.

It was just an introduction. I’m going to write more details for each month below.

It was quite calm month. My husband spent 10 days in delegation in San Francisco, he brought us beautiful souvenirs. I spent that time with my mom and daughter. Adam returned for my birthday, so we could have a romantic dinner for ourselves. Maja learned how to turn around from stomach to back.

The saddest month in the whole year.
1st of February Urwis passed away. It was my loved cat, which lived with my mom. It was the cat, which spent my whole childhood with me :(
After this, my mom adopted 2 cats, who needed to find a new home - Mimi and Figielek. After less than 2 weeks (17th of February) Figielek passed away because of FIP :(
Jittery and very sad Mimi (after consultation with the behaviorist) got a new cat friend - Wally. Socialization took them one night because Wally ran away from the rook at early morning). It was the month, when I get known, that Izyda also has gone (cat, which was starved by the owners and was hospitalized in critical condition). There was a hope, but finally, complications were too strong for her.
In last two days of February, we decided to move to a bigger flat. We feel better in bigger space.

That’s the month when I realized that I’m completely alone. Most of my friends didn’t want to meet with me for a long time, I heard only excuses. They didn’t want me also on the parties, which I always participated in the past. Life brutally verified my friendship from the university.
In the middle of the month we secured our loggia, so cats can spend nice days outdoor.

At the beginning, we organized Maja’s baptism. One day after we were flying to the San Francisco with Maja.
Maja’s first tooth came out.
After we returned we decided to sow herbs and vegetables on loggia to make it green, fragrant and to get fresh food :)

This month we returned to activities. We bought a bicycle trailer (with the jogging stroller function). We started to ride a bike with Maja, we love to make picnics and some trips to the forest and also further. We went to a dietitian and we got a wonderful and healthy diet rich in vitamins. After 2 weeks I felt more energy and bloating disappeared.

It was an important month for Maja - she learned how to sit without a base. She also started to crawl on all four.
This month we took part in “My cat has a home” action. We shew how the Maja-cats relationship looks like. We also got wonderful pictures for ourselves.

Maja told “mom” and a few days later “dad” consciously.
We refreshed contact with our friends.

It was a very positive month. We went to Wroclaw (me, Maja and my mom). I met my family, which I haven’t known before.
We also spent a great weekend by the sea with Adam and Maja - it was out 4th anniversary. Maja played with sand first time.

Maja went to daycare. We bought a baby carrier for Maja.
Maja started to walk when she held furniture or us.
My brother met a really nice girl. She added me a courage to realize one of my dreams (it’s planned for February 2017).
Me and Adam were able to fly somewhere without Maja first time - we had London trip.
We have learned how to make sushi!
I got new DIY skill - flourishes manicure.
I saw first effects of my diet (my stomach stopped to overflow from my trousers like few month before).
I started coding in Swift and also looking for a job.

My daughter has 1st birthday!
The ‘black protest’ was successful - I don’t have to worry about the second pregnancy.
Amaya had cystitis, tests showed crystals in the urine (like Purka and Misio) - now we have 3 cats on a urinary diet. Ultrasound examination showed that pancreas is in better condition.
I started iOS course (organized by University of Warsaw).

I’m still not hired. I was offended on one job interview. I also had an interview with two companies - without any effects. One of the developers was so childish, that I’m happy, that I won’t have to work with him.
I got recruitment project which I did well.
I came up with the idea of an online charity auction for cats.

I’m sick for more than 4 weeks, I infected Maja and Adam :(
I had a pacemaker control - it wasn’t good. Again tachycardia.
I had a job interview with the company, which gave me a project to do. It went well, but I wasn’t hired.
My mood sinusoid reached a bottom, I’m constantly criticized, lied and I lose confidence for my closest once.
I made ombre manicure first time. I learned how to make cotton balls.
We spend the weekend in Berlin with Adam, there on the Christmas market, I felt magic Christmas spirit.
After we returned from Germany we decorated Christmas tree and on Christmas Eve I wore my beautiful black dress (yes! I did it!!).
I got great gifts from Santa - a lot of cats and board game. We made a photo session for Maja and cats.
Adam got charming Secret Santa gift.

My 2016 wasn’t the worst, but it also wasn’t the best. I experienced many sorrows, but also joys. I would ask for more hope and less stress for New Year. And a big pink glasses…

I’m not making New Year’s resolutions, cause the more I plan, the more I fail. I have few purposes, which I’m going to realize and few dreams which I want to make to come true. But things go both ways, it’s only a life; so I don’t want to make plans, I’m going with the flow.

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