
Oh, since August a lot of things are happening to me, I don’t even know what to start from…
The first thing is that I’ve left Costa. I’ve learned everything I could and it made no sense to still work there.
I’ve been working in the semi-specialty coffee shop for a while. For sure they have a better coffee machine and high-quality coffee beans than Costa, but few unacceptable habits caused that I couldn’t stay there any longer.
For now, I want to learn new things and… I’ve started to make my dreams come true. First steps are already done!
The idea of setting up my own specialty coffee shop have appeared some time ago. For the last few months, I’ve been planning how to realize it. I’ve been gaining more and more experience. I’m still not the professional, but I'm missing less and less to become a one.
I don’t want to be ‘just an owner of the coffee shop’. I want to create this place, work there and make amazing coffee. I want to be a part of the friendly team.
I have even a few ideas about how to arrange this place. Of course, I can’t plan it right now, I need to rent a place first.
Of course, I’ll verify it once again before I sign up a contract, but I think I’ve picked the district I want to open my coffee shop in.
I’ve recently bought a LaMarzocco coffee machine. I need to make a whole service - cleaning, descaling and improving. I decided to buy a used one because it was cheaper and it was exactly the model I wanted to have in my own place anyway.
We’re servicing it with Adam on our own because it’s fun for us :)
I’m still looking for a high-quality mill and some other useful things which let me use this coffee machine before I put it to the coffee shop.

The second thing is the fact, that our family has grown up! At the end of the November, we’ve adopted Hedwiga (you can read it Hedveega, it’s a Polish version of Hedwig).
I’ve met her for the first time in the sanctuary I’m volunteering in and I totally fell in love with her.
We don’t know exactly in what circumstances she has started living on the street - young, friendly and neat cat. Maybe she was naughty sometimes (she’s destroying things while playing), or she was biting sometimes, or maybe someone was bored with her?
The only person who took care of her was a Drunkard (probably homeless). He was the only one who fed her. It’s so funny, that people who have less than others are capable to share it with someone in need.

This man knew that he can’t provide her a home, and this is how she started living in the sanctuary.
You have no idea how happy I am that she could join us before the Christmas time. She’ll be able to take part in all these Christmas arrangements with us. I want her to feel the magical Christmas Spirit and love. She’s a family member right now.

Purka, Amaya, and Misio still don’t like her at all, but the socialization is going quite well from the beginning.
When she was staying in the separated room cats were curious. They’ve tried to look under the door who’s there. When she has started being in the whole flat cats are annoyed sometimes. They’re hissing and chasing her sometimes. She usually backs away then.
She really wants to play with other cats, but they’re not interested in it for now. I think they need more time, they have to get to know her better, she’s much younger than the others.
I’m proud of them all anyway because they’ve been napping around 30-50cm from each other and sniffing their noses :)
Hedwiga is with us less than 3 weeks so it’s going into the right direction I think.

My Art Spirit is in good mood right now. I’m making a lot of new things.

Scrapbooking of course - well, my pen pals have neglected me a bit, but I could make some creative cards and envelopes anyway.

My first finished knitted projects are done! I’ve made fingerless gloves and long chimney scarf which I can also put on my head. I really love to wear them. Autumn themed things are really close to my heart. Autumn in Poland was really nice this year and it passed too fast for me.

I’ve also made a lot of climatic photos - just because I wanted to capture a piece of this space for longer.

But let’s go back to the previous topic… I’ve also finished the scarf I started in Scotland. These colors are awesome.

I’ve also made a few wooden magnets. They were made for the charity auction. I could make more of them, but I wasn’t sure if anyone will buy them.

I’ve also made 2 moss necklaces (also for the charity auctions).

I also feel that mentally I’m still in Scotland. That’s why I’ve made a woven weaving with the treasures I’ve found there. I’ve taken these shells and pieces of coral from one of the Scottish coral beaches.

Oh, you have no idea how much I would give to spend a few days in the wild Scottish highlands!

Two days ago I’ve returned from the quick trip to the South part of Europe. It was a romantic trip just for me and my husband. We could slow down a bit.
We’ve visited Vienna, Bratislava, and Budapest. We’ve spent our time for sightseeing, walking around and drinking good coffee. Of course, we’ve also visited some Christmas markets and we’ve drunk a mulled wine.
It was a great time!

Well, we need to make some changes with BARF feeding. The last blood tests went not really good so I think I’ve screwed up supplementation. We’re going to improve recipes a bit and we’ll see.

My heart issue is also active again. My cardiologist recommended me some pills which I’m taking every day. I still need to consult the tests from the pacemaker control with the person, who makes ablations to learn what to do next.
Well… Rysy will have to wait a bit longer…

I’ve also got 2nd implantation screw. I was super lucky because the company which makes these implants is new on the Polish market and a lot of dentists are still testing it. That’s why I got it for free!

My daughter Maja is 3 years old right now. She has been a preschooler since September. I’m really glad that I’ve picked this kindergarten for her, babysitters are speaking in English to kids and I feel Maja understands a lot. She can also count to 5 in English.
She’s not talking well in Polish right now, so I clearly see the progress.

Sometimes you’re asking me about Maja (mostly via Instagram). You’re asking mostly about “too little Majas pictures”. Well, don’t be mad at me, but I don’t understand this pressure. If I’m a mother am I obligated to share thousands of pictures of my kid?
You know what? I respect her and her privacy. Of course, sometimes I publish something, mostly when I’m talking about some specific thing, but I can’t see any reason why I should make ‘Maja spam’ all the time.
Who knows, maybe somewhere in the future, she would be angry at me because of some discreditable photo? When she’ll be willing to share anything with the world, she registers herself on Facebook, Instagram and any other social media she likes!
To be honest, I’m amused by the “upgrading” women social media accounts after they get birth to the child. Are they still their accounts? Or maybe they’re children photo album right now? 
I have no idea how would I react if my mom would share everything about me via social media. My naked butt during taking bath, my dirty face during eating a carrot for the first time (Jesus it’s literally awful!) or everyday report of walks, favorite toys, drawings I’ve made or any other things I’ve made…
Sometimes I wonder if these poor women have no other interests or hobbies? They get birth of a kid! Woow (the same as the other billions of women)! Is that really the only one achievement they’ve made during the whole life? Congratulations… and I feel sorry for them - their child grow up after a while and they’ll stay with no purpose in life. Kids won’t live with parents forever, they’ll find someone they love and they’ll surely leave the family home.
Is that really so hard to understand that one stupid photo with silly faces can cost their kid a lot of nerves in the future?
Kids are really cruel sometimes and believe me - it’s really easy to find some archive photo to make fun of it…
I’m not judging, I’m just trying to understand this stupid trend.

I have no idea when I’ll be able to write a note again. I’ll try to catch up on your blogs as soon as it’s possible, but give me some time ok?
I haven’t been blogging since August and there is a lot of new things at your sites.
I really want to be ‘on time’ with everything you write, but for now, I can’t promise to read and write regularly.
The blogosphere is important to me, but my real life is always a level above.
I’m not proud of myself - I’ve neglected my online friends, I’ve been struggling with some issues recently. I need to work out them alone.
I hope you’ll have Happy Christmas. Stay positive and rest - no matter what you need to do - try to let it go.
What are your plans for New Year's Eve?
We’re going to stay at home with curtained windows, calm music and Feliway working in the socket…
We’re going to play board games, eat tiramisu cake and hug our cats :)


  1. Lovely photos! And welcome to Hedwiga; she's a darling kitty! I admire your bravery in setting new goals and challenges for yourself; live is short, best to do what you want to do. Your daughter is a darling. I have no human children, so I don't have to worry about embarrassing photos that may haunt in the future...Hahahaha!

  2. Congrats on your new kitty. She is so cute. All your art is beautiful, you are very talented. Sorry about your heart issue, I am glad you can control it with meds.

  3. How nice that you gave a home to Hedwiga! She’s very pretty. I enjoyed looking at all your photos as always. I hope everything goes well with your heart issue and medication. Enjoyed reading your updates!

  4. It was oh, so nice, to see your blog post pop up and then your visits to me. Thanks for all the comments! (I'm glad you love London as much as I do -- I'll be doing a whole LOT of posts about London and the UK after we get through the holidays so I hope you'll pop back!).

    Hedwiga is gorgeous, as are all your cats. I hope she's adjusting well -- it sure looks like it in the wonderful photos. And three cheers on your plan for the coffee shop. You know, I think if you had a little corner in your shop with a card rack and printed cards of some of those exquisite close-ups of the cats, you could see them and they'd be very popular. I know not as many people write cards now as there used to be, but they still do sell well and your photos are really special.

    Loved seeing your crafts and also sending you very good wishes about your heart issues. I hope everything straightens out in a good way. (And I get it about Maja. Makes sense to me!)

