Again the same… I’ve disappeared for few months. I was supposed to write at the end of April, but every time I tried, something wrong was happening to me.
There are some days, when I feel I can do everything I want to; and also there are days when I would prefer to disappear leaving no trace.
Sometimes self-reluctance is so strong, that I can’t even look at myself without a stream of painful and critical thoughts.
I’m trying to help myself with the art. It always makes me feel some sort of emotional balance. The art is such a good friend, it’s perfect in its imperfection. And it always amazes and surprises.
I’m sewing again. Actually, I’ve made more things than I was expecting to. I like sewing, but usually I don’t like to do it for a long period. And now I did.
Protective masks, because we needed them. Me and my family. Well, I’ve made much more than on the photo. I just forgot to take more pictures.
Cozy cat nest. To let them hide inside and sleep in the soft, and warm enveloping place.
Under-bottom blanket. For cats of course. Minky and soft jersey is the best combination I think. I really love to work with jersey - it’s fine and smooth; and also it’s comfy while using.
Carry box waterproof insert.
Well, until now I’ve been using disposable waterproof underpads. They’re easy to use and let cat stay in comfort when he/she pees while carrying to vet. It happens sometimes, and it’s nothing to be worry about.
Well, I’ve been living closer and closer to the nature every single day, so I think I’ve made another step towards protecting our precious environment - with sewing reusable pad.
Cotton kitchen bags. To keep a bread or other food crispy.
One for me and one for my mom.
Waterproof eco bag. Small one, to take it for quick shopping or for carry some necessary stuff. For my mom, because she’s recently celebrated her birthday, and she loves a stuff like this. Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of them.
Scraobooking. Well, paper is extremely malleable tool. Even if you have no experience with paper, you are able to create some interesting effect.
The more I work with the paper, the more I like it.
Bullet journal. April, May, June, July, August and September… Oh man, I’ve really disappeared for a long time. I’m only sharing with you few pages. You can find more on my Instagram account (in highlighted stories).
Letters. I always put in maximum effort to create something beautiful; to make someone feel important!
I’ve also made more moss agate jewelry. I think I’ve found my matching stone - the one which I can gain positive energy from.
For now I feel I always need to have this gem close to me, this make me feel better and more confident.
I know this might sound strange; I actually don’t believe in any magic. I only believe, that all the existing elements (on the Earth and beyond it) interact with each other. Some interactions might be positive, and some others not.
Moss agate influence is the one which makes me feel better.
I’ve also tried to make silver and copper pendants. I’ve used art clay metal to make plants imprints.
I’ve also returned to reading books again.
I’ve recently read „The secret wisdom of nature” written by Peter Wohlleben.
I was intrigued by the position about trees, but before I was able to order it, I could borrow the one about nature from my friend.
I really love the way, how the author describes fauna and flora relationship. All the science topics are written in plain language - even the person who doesn’t know a lot about the environment can easily understand everything. I’ve gone through the text like a bomb! I soaked up word by word! I felt like I’ve been in that forest while reading!
If you don’t know this book yet, I truly encourage you to read it! Now I can look at some animals from a different perspective. Some time ago borers, ticks and some other creatures disgusted me; now I know how important they are in the whole ecosystem, and I appreciate their presence like I never did it in the past.
I’ve started the one about trees some times ago. Of course I’ll let you know when I finish it.
I’ve also ordered the book, I’ve planned to buy some time ago. The title translated for English is „Cats sleeping kamasutra” - Przemek Wechterowicz and Kasia Walentynowicz.
I’m not sure if the whole book has already been translated from polish.
The book is really nice and funny - it’s a set of nice illustrations and some amusing texts. I’ve spend nice time reading it, but it’s definitely not the position I’ll highly recommend for all the cat lover.
At the beginning of June we’ve been on short holidays. It was just one week, but I’ve relaxed a lot. The only plan we had was not to plan anything - just to take a rest, not to hurry up, stay close to the nature and celebrate the free time. And it was so.
We’ve visited gorgeous traditional polish village open-air museum in Olsztynek city. This place has so unique climate! I would love to live in such a cozy and artistic old hut!
Furthermore we could finally visit Mazuria, Wigry National Park, Białowieża National Park and other natural places in the middle of nowhere.
We’ve been kayaking through the Rospuda river, we’ve seen Gray heron, and many frogs and dragon flies. It was a great time; I could finally slow down and celebrate the moment.
Of course we’ve been walking around through the fields and woods; we’ve spent evenings close to the fireplace. We could listen to the rain slightly hitting the windowsill and catch all these gentle rays of light in mornings.
We’ve spent all the nights far away from the cities; in small guest rooms in wilderness. In silence. In darkness.
We’ve lit the grill, made some crafty things and fed roe-deer.
And this unforgettable smell of the night air. A night sky full of stars… And bats flying from time to time above our heads.
I’m really thankful for this time. I could rest, regenerate the mind, and meet with the mother nature, which I love with all my heart.
And at the beginning of August, we’ve been on holidays again - by the Polish sea this time. Actually, I like to visit the Baltic Sea; I do it every year. We’re finding some place close to the seashore to sleep in; we’re also visiting a Tricity, where we can drink great coffee, spend some time in 100-cznia (old shipyard - it’s converted into food market located in construction containers), go to st. Dominik’s fair (handmade and unique collections open-air market) and also I can meet with my very close friend living in Gdynia. It was precious time.
But let’s go back to the present…
Cats are doing well. Well, besides Misio, but I’ll develkop this topic later. Well, actually we had some difficult moment - just for a while, but it was all related to the removal. Yeah, we’ve moved to the different flat again and… I feel like alive again. Actually living in the previous flat was overwhelming and difficult to me. Now I feel like released from the tight cage.
Amaya was peeing everywhere for a while. Of course we’ve made a urine test - nothing was wrong with it. The problem was in stress. She’s needed to calm down. And now we haven’t noticed any setback for the last 2 weeks (fingers crossed!)
Later she started to vomit all the time. She was licking her fur too much - also because of the stress. She was consuming too much fur, so her body had to remove it to not to get plugged. Luckily we’ve managed the issue very quickly - Amaya got the antiemetic drugs and the stripping paste.
Then after vomiting problem has come to an end both - Purka and Amaya started to scratch themselves badly; mostly on their heads and necks. As you probably have guessed - the reason was also the stress… Girls got an antibacterial-antipruritic ointment; the scabs fell off and their bare skin started to grow fur again.
Every single day girls are getting better. I can finally see them more relaxed and complacent. Amaya loves to lie with the belly up; she’s already found favorite sleeping spots and her day routine got back to almost-normal.
My poor Amaya is so gentle…
Purka also was more stressed than I thought she’ll be. She hasn’t shown her stress that much like Amaya, but I know she was upset by this situation. I believe now everything is going to be better. She’s also found some places she likes and she spends most of the time there.
And what's up with them except removal?
Purka is loosing her weigh, you can mostly see it in her silhouette. We’re playing a lot, so her muscles are developing - that’s why her weigh hasn’t change a lot. But she’s burning a fat tissue!
Her weight loss journey is slowly getting to the end! I hope we’ll be able to change our plan for maintaining the proper weight soon.
Otherwise Misio is gaining weight. Lately we’ve been struggling with the too high thyroid hormone levels; this caused loosing his weight too fast. Now he’s slowly getting back to the regular shape. At least - I hope he does. He hasn’t had very good appetite recently.
We’re trying to encourage him for eating anything - even pure meat - just because he can’t stay starving.
Also - he’s an old one, he had arthralgia; we gave him some supplements and now he’s willingly playing again. Especially after 11pm ;)
And he’s even more sweet and cuddly than before (I was pretty sure that there is no possibility to be more cuddly, but apparently - it is!)
But what’s Misio’s issue. Well, he has bilateral tumors on the thyroid gland. We can’t remove them, because he won’t survive the surgery - he’s too old for anesthesia. So together with the vet we’ve established that we’re going to treat him symptomatically until he feels comfy. What’s going to happen next? At the moment I cannot even imagine it…
Working with Hedwiga brings positive results.
This little one wants to be carried and hugged! And she purrs quietly then.
Sometimes she comes close to me and touches me slightly with her paw, to make me cuddle her.
When she’s joined us, she had no such a need like these; I’m delighted and proud of her. I can see how she blossoms while living with us. She needs understanding, tolerance and love. She’s also become more friendly for other cats. At the beginning she was afraid of them; their relationship wasn’t the best. Now she appreciates playing with Misio; sometimes she’s sleeping close to Purka. I think making friends with Amaya will take much more time. Amaya doesn’t like her at all, but I hope this will change. At least she accepts her.
Talking about cats - I’ve recently bought new cat fishing rod. I wanted to buy something more durable than classic „bird” which you can buy in the pet store.
I’ve picked handmade wooden rod made by 'the miss cat'.
Of course cats were curious when the package arrived. They’ve been watching me unpacking their stuff.
My first impression: beautiful but too heavy.
Good quality workmanship; all the details are polished. It’s made with love, there is something extraordinary about it.
Well, although it looks wonderful, I was pretty sure that cats will be bored with the new toy after a week or so. Oh, how wrong I was!
Purka loves this rod! She is the slowest and the loudest of all cats. The rod we’ve bought is quite heavy (because of all these wooden elements), so we can’t swing it in the air. We would hit a cat or even break the window. I can only use it to drag it on the ground (or on the quilt) and make some low jumps. So playing with this rod is the challenge real to be achieved for Purka.
Amaya and Hedwiga are usually weary after a while. This toy is definitely too slowly for them. Girls prefer chasing fast flying object, so the most popular low quality rod is the most interesting for them.
To sum up: the cat fishing rod made by ‚the miss cat’ is perfect for cats, who like to chase element on the ground and for slower cats. The huge advantage is that there is a possibility to change the „bird element”.
Disadvantages: the rod is too heavy (although all these wooden element make it more beautiful). Also the string is bit too long, but it’s really easy to shorten it.
Anyway, I am satisfied with my purchase ;) I think I’ll try to make some feather endings after my cats will torn this one.
Also cats got new scratching furniture (the big one - from the floor to the celling) and a wicker basket. They’ve fallen in love with the new stuff! They use it all the time.
I’ve also bought a few things for myself. These are 5 handmade bracelets.
The first one is the combination of wood and resin. This amazing mountain is made by Forest Form.
The next two are made with art clay silver. These plants are a milfoil and a fern - they’re sunk in the silver. These two pendants are made by Wild Forest Moon; I’ve only added a strings with gems on my own to make them more 'in my style’.
And last two bracelets are made by Slavica Studio. Monika creates so unique jewelry with gems..
And at the end I’ve bought amazing handmade ring from Karolina.
Let’s return to our removal again - the flat we’re living in right now is bright, cozy and the loggia is so big, that I can easily keep there a bench, small coffee table (made with an old tree trunk), flowers, and fresh laundry. And there is still a lot of space to chill out.
I feel so good here! Finally, I can call it home.
We’ve moved within the same district, so I’m still living close to my beloved forest. Actually, I’ve returned to the area I’ve been living a few years ago, close to Warsaw’s underground technical and parking station. In the evening, when I’m sitting in the loggia I hear trains sliding on rails. I like this sound, it’s not very loud, so it doesn’t bother in any way.
We’re still organizing the flat. Adam made a “workshop part” - there are desks and all the DIY stuff there. We both like to create things so it’s very comfy to have a place like this at home. I’ve designed a sleeping spot and living room. Adam is going to make a table (he wants to try and I’m excited about it). The living room is full of flowers, wooden elements, macramas, boho details, and these old chairs (this is the best part I think)!
Well, we’ve been looking for some ‘not very expensive’ chairs to buy. We’ve been browsing thousands of catalogs, to find something good looking and not ridiculously priced. And believe me or not - we haven’t found anything nice! So one day, when I was bored after work I’ve started to check the olx portal (this is a polish site, where people want to get rid of the stuff they have at home; usually for low prices, for exchange or for free). So imagine how surprised and happy I was when I’ve found 4 old chairs (which probably remember my grandma’s childhood) so cheap that almost for free. They needed renovation of course - the upholstery was torn, the filling was stinky with an old attic and also one of the chairs was broken inside.
We decided to repair them on our own! It was such fun to make it! We’ve bought a new fabric (with monstera pattern), elastic upholstery belt, foam filling, and soft toy stuffing.
We’ve removed old stuff, only wooden frame left. We’ve removed old varnish, and glued and strengthened the broken frame.
Then we’ve put filling and covered it with a piece of beautiful upholstery fabric.
These chairs are stunning! I love items with a soul, I feel like we’ve given them a second life.
Well, we still have a lot to do with this flat, but I know that everything will be exactly as I dreamed! Homely, vintage, and many nice places for cats. I want them to feel the same good as I do.
I would love to share some photos of our space with you but at the moment - I don’t have any good and climatic. I want to take some warm shots after we finish everything. Or almost everything :)
I think the Autumn theme should be the coziest.
Wow… such a long note… A lot of text and many photos… I’m really glad if you’re here :)
Well, I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to catch up all the posts you’ve added during my absence. But I’ll try to visit you all in the nearest future! Have a lovely day!
Sad news about Misio; here's hoping that the right medications and food will keep those tumors from growing.
ReplyDeleteI've read "The Hidden Life Of Trees" and "The Inner Life Of Animals" by Peter Wohlleben; haven't yet had time to read the third book, "The Secret Wisdom Of Nature", but it's on my list!
I've collected rocks since I was a child, and pick them up often in my travels. I too believe stones can have power; call it what you want, but we are creatures of nature, and rocks are natural too, just like forests and oceans. I believe there was a time in our human past, where we communicated with the animals, plants, and water, but most of us have lost that ability now.
You have shared so many wonderful and beautiful things here I don't know where to begin. But I'll start with the cats. I'm glad the health reports are good and I love their new toys and bed and such. Your photos are just exquisite.They should be on a cat calendar! And I have to say how much I love all of your art but especially your calendar/journal. It's very clever and also very creative. Well done!
ReplyDeleteThanks for coming by my blog this week. I always love your comments and visits!