After a long wandering, I can finally see the mainland on the horizon

February has already begun.
I thought I’ll be able to make a note before January ends, but after all, I had so much to do, that I couldn’t easily handle everything. Ran out of time to write.

I think it’s been the first time when New Year has brought me major and good changes.
For now, I’m making small timid steps into my self-success, despite that nothing announced these changes.
At the beginning of January I had a job interview, it went well. I got a job that lets me develop myself. I’m working with an experienced young team, the project seems to be interesting.
The 3rd of January was my first day at the new place.
I’m full of motivation and positive energy.

My Art Spirit hasn’t left me since the beginning of 2020. That’s awesome, I didn’t have a single day without making things.

I’ve written a few letters to my pals. I’ve decorated envelopes as pretty as I could.

I’ve also made a bullet journal for the following month.

I’m still making weavings, well, not as many as before, but I still find it relaxing and cozy.
My husband helped me to make a new frame, the bigger one ;) I’m planning to weave more mountains.

In the nearest future, I’m going to try soy candles.
I’ve already ordered all the stuff I need. I want to donate a charity organization I’m volunteering in with these candles.

Ok, I’ll probably keep one or two at home.
To be honest, I haven’t recently used any candles because of the cats. I was afraid they’ll get hurt. I have to think about some chandelier, which will keep them safe. Well, it’s another reason to think about some handicrafts ;)

About the cats - there’s also something I need to write about.

First of all - thyroid test results. Purka has a result within the normal limits, which means that it’s not the problem that causes her overweight.
I’m going to make the appointment with the feline dietician, I hope she’ll help us to resolve a problem. Maybe BARF supplementation isn’t well made for her. I’m not sure where the problem is - all the cats eat the same food, the same amount per meal, but Purka is the only one which got fat :/

Misio’s thyroid test is still above the norms, but it’s lower than before. It means, that we probably have found the right dose of the medicine.
The next additional test is going to confirm or disprove the thesis.

Also at the beginning of January Misio had a small surgery. We decided to remove a mole from his back (not very big). It became more fleshy under the skin recently.
It’s possible we would wait for longer, but we wanted to avoid narcosis. Misio is an old cat, so we couldn’t risk that much.
So the smaller it was, the more possible to remove it in local anesthesia.
The removed skin lesion was histopathologically examined. It was locally malignant tumor - it means that it doesn’t metastasize, it can only regrow if it’s not fully removed.
But the surgeon has removed the tumor with the reserve, so the prognosis is favorable.

When we’ve just returned from the surgery Hedwiga was very sensitive and... caring.
She has curled close to Misio and purred. She’s also licked his head a few times.
All the time he had to wear the cloth, she didn’t even try to bother him.
I’m really proud of her. She usually acts like a “crazy-cat”, she loves to play with everything she finds and with everyone around. I think she was taken from her feline mother too early, that’s why she hasn’t learned how to play gently. She’s mostly tough and a bit aggressive.
Misio doesn’t like it, he prefers to seek and hide without using fangs and claws.
While convalescence he didn’t have to worry about her improper behavior cause she showed her understanding.

In January I had my milestone birthday.
Because of the lousy circumstances, my family party is moved for February (I don’t know exactly when) to let people return to Warsaw, finish home improvement and get healthy.
So… my birthday evening was quiet and cozy - I’ve spent it with A. and my beloved cats.
We were watching Netflix, eating pizza and drinking wine. And of course, we were cuddling cats.
I didn’t have to put elegant clothes on me, I’ve used tracksuit and warm socks.
Contrary to appearances - I’ve felt not bad, which is (to be honest) awesome in the connection, that my last months have been a total disaster.

The springy Winter we experience right now makes me feel good.
I don’t like the snow and accompanying muddy puddles. I’m also not a fan of frozen hands and feet and permanently steamy glasses.
And I truly hate the road disorganization after the snow appears on the road.
Traffic jams everywhere, people are forcing the priority all the time - just because wing mirrors are snowy even if you’ve cleaned them a few minutes ago.
The braking distance increases several times, so there is a collision in every second intersection.
The snow on the roads cover the lane lines, so sometimes drivers are confused - they’re driving in the middle of the road without any order.
Or… like me - someone forgets to turn off the lane assistant, so the system is getting crazy and the car is floating in the street.
Taking high-speed roads is even worse idea - average speed is 80km/h (just because it’s impossible to drive faster). You can also add all the cases I’ve mentioned above or someone who forgets to turn on dipped headlights… So… well, thanks, I prefer to go through the city and stuck in the traffic jam than going with the bypass.
Actually, we had one day like this in Warsaw so far and to be honest - I’m sick of snow for the whole 2020…

To sum up - January was more kind than unkind for me.
I can feel a satisfaction and contentment for the first time in the last over a dozen years.
It’s too early to say that I’m happy, just because I’m not sure if I still know the definition of this word. The last time I was really happy was a really long time ago, so I forgot this feeling. I’m observant and attentive; I’m also trying to carefully select words which concerns my feelings or states.
But you know what? I have an impression, that soon I’ll be able to feel with the way, I dream about for a long time...
After a long wandering, I can finally see the mainland on the horizon.


  1. Congratulations on your new job!
    Your photography is wonderful.
    I met with a friend last weekend, who had to have her cat in a cone for almost two weeks; I suggested a baby's outfit, or a big sock (this was a kitten), and she said she'd never thought about that before! Glad Misio's lump turned out to be non-cancerous.

    1. Thanks!! :)
      Baby outfit or sock are grat ideas! Sometimes even better than the vet cloth! :)

  2. Olka, there is so much in this post to love, I don't know where to begin, but I'll start with congratulations on your birthday! I know it might have been a little disappointing about the party but I think your evening together sounded lovely, relaxing, kind of perfect, being with those you love. And good news that Misio will be all right. I know that surgery had to be a little scary and good news on removing the tumor. He looks like a little champ in his pajamas. Well done, Hedwiga, letting him heal!

    Your art is so beautiful. Those envelopes and letters are stunning and so is your stitching. I love that you can do this with others. Doing art every day -- I'm impressed! And three cheers on the job, too. I hope it's just right!

    You asked me about how old I was when I sent that valentine to my Grandma -- It I think about six, because I could write my name!

    Happy... I think our definition of happy changes over time. At least for me. I'm a lot older than you and I know that what was happy when I was 30 is very different from now. As we evolve, definitions change. I can truly say I'm happy -- but not every day. I get worried or I might be sick or something might not go the way I like. But overall, happy. And content. And for your birthday, I wish both of those for you.

    1. Yeah, you're probably right about the definition of happiness. I hope I'll discover the meaning of this word soon.
      There are still things I need to repare in my life, but now I can see that some of its parts are satisfactory.
      And thank you so much for every kind and nice word.

  3. Awesome blog! You have shared a nice post. Thank you!

    Nahid |

