Oh, it happened again - I haven’t written for a long time. 2 months for a blogger is like ages. I can only justify myself with a lack of time and no desire for writing. It’s always hard to return to writing after a long time because there is a lot of to say, but note shouldn’t have enormous length.
Well, today’s note will be long anyway, I’m going to also share a lot of photos with you. I’ll categorize this note to make sure, that it’s easy for you to find interesting topics and possibly avoid some parts, you’re not interested in.
So! Let’s catch up with it!
Our Rome trip was really nice. First of all, we wanted to relax and it was just so! Of course, we visited interesting touristic places, we saw almost everything worth to see. We didn’t limited dates and romantic walks till the midnight :)
But drivers are not smarter - they’re parking everywhere, even on the crossings. It doesn’t matter if it’s a small crossing or a crossing on the main street with traffic lights. “If there is a space, I park here”. It’s right-hand traffic in Italy, but it doesn’t mean, that drivers will go by a right lane. Try to imagine a situation like this: you have a bidirectional single carriageway divided with impassable lines. There is a traffic on the right lane, so every second driver uses the left lane to go. And it doesn’t matter that it’s different direction…
When you’re crossing the street on the crossing with a green light you have to be really careful. Few times I had a situation, that someone used a horn, going by a wrong lane around 90km/h!
And cyclists are the worst! Sometimes they make a mess like I’ve never seen before!
To sum up our trip - we had really great time for ourselves! We were able to charge batteries for the whole next year. I think we’ll plan next trips for 2018, but I have no idea when and where exactly :) But I’m pretty sure it’ll be a fun! :)
I have some news for you! Misio’s urine test is a little bit better than before, but Purka’s and Amaya’s tests are not so well. Amaya has a bacteria in urine, she got antibiotics and we’ll see how it looks like after the treatment. We have no idea how to dissolve the crystals in urine, maybe increasing l-mathiocid would be a good idea? I have to talk about it with our vet. I’m going to see her on Thursday.
Last month I joined to the charity organization called “Koty z Grohowa”. To be honest - I thought about helping cats since I remember, but I was sure, that I’m not strong and brave enough. And I listened to stupid advice from my family, they eternally repeated the same: “you don’t have time for this, you shouldn’t even try! Spend this time with your daughter, not with cats”. I was a moron because I let them manipulate me this way!
By the way - do you remember about the online charity auction I supposed to organize with an organization, which I was cooperating with before? Well, there won’t be any online auction. I made a lot of (I’m immodest, I know) beautiful handmade things to be sold on the online auction. I gave them all of them and I promised to help with organizing everything. And suddenly they “realized” that they don’t have a time for making this auction now! Anyway, they’re going to sell these items (I hope so!) on the pedigree cat show. I feel cheated, but I don’t have power enough to fight with them now :( I would prefer to focus on positive emotions because I feel a gloomy mood of Autumn anyway…
My art spirit is in very good condition now! I’ve finished two “Lost in time” shawls (for me and for Maja). I really love the pattern, so I’ll possibly make another one in the future.
For now, I’m crocheting items to sell in the online charity auction organized by Koty z Grochowa. I’ve made two cat-themed cup coasters and cup warmer.
After new year comes we want to make a model with trains. We still haven’t specified the scale, but we’re sure that it’ll be a Japanese style. We want to buy few trains, small Japanese houses, and some items to make a mountainous scenery. We saw great coffee table in IKEA store, we’ll probably use it to put the model into it. To be honest - I can’t wait to start making it! I’m so excited :)
I'm sick for a month. It started atypically - with my tooth. At the beginning of September, my dentist healed my tooth (she thought that). Caries appeared inside my tooth, nothing hurt, we found out it only because I made control pantomogram… However after 3 weeks since it was healed I felt a pain. And that’s how my adventure with the root canal treatment started! But don’t think, that it was easy - I also had a periodontitis. Since she started healing it I have a temperature around 37,5 - 38 degrees. She doesn’t know what to do with me, I got an antibiotic and really strong painkillers (tramadol). I felt terrible after I took painkillers, I couldn’t find out where is up and where is down, I had strong dizziness and gaps in my memory. But it still didn’t help. I made a blood test but it also didn’t show anything interesting. Now I don’t feel the pain (luckily), but I also got the flu :(
Actually, I have no idea how should I treat myself, who should I ask for an advice… The internist didn’t give me any hints...
Maja’s birthday
My little daughter is 2 years old since 20th of November! She celebrated it firstly in daycare and then 2 days later at home. We decided to make a small birthday party for her, we invited the closest family, made a birthday cake and bought some cookies.
I’ve delayed so long with this note, that I have already passed all my exams! I did it for the first time! :) Actually, I was sure, that I won’t be able to pass, I focused on the thought, that I have to see how the exam looks like. And then I’ll pass it next time. I was shaking because of the fear I felt. And then I entered the car and… relaxed! I feel really comfortable while driving, I really love to drive a car, that’s why I was able to relax :) My instructor told me, that I’m very calm while I’m driving a car, it’s a big surprise for me, because I’m a spitfire :D But I realized, that she’s right, I’m really peaceful during my ride. Yes, I know that I’m still not a perfect driver, there are a lot of issues, which I will have to practice in “real life” without my “Guardian Angel” who’ll press brake pedal while it’s needed… I still have to learn how to park parallelly. We’re going to go on kid baptism this weekend and we would like to rent a car. It’ll be more comfortable to go to Sokolow city with car especially, that we’re going to take Maja with us. And at the end of the year, we would like to buy our own car!
As I promised you some time ago - I’m going to share with you a photo of my second tattoo. I made it in August and I was supposed to show it to you earlier, but I wanted it to be fully healed.
I finally decided to change my nail polish for hybrids! I think I like UV indurated nail polish more than standard, they’re persisting on my nails around 1-3 weeks and it’s not chipping off on the top after few days! For now, I’ve tried Semilac and NeoNail and I definitely prefer the second one. Semilac is too hard to remove for me, it destroys the nail plate! I also ordered some vitamin base from Indigo, I’m using it instead of hard base I got in NeoNail starter pack.
All in all, I have to go now. You have to give me a few days more to go back to the blogosphere. I see there is a lot of news on your sites, and I feel I need more time to catch up it :) I hope I’ll be able to read it to the end of the week! See you!
So many things you've covered today! WOW! Your photos of Rome are beautiful. Your daughter is beautiful, and your cats are lovely too! Here's hoping all of their health issues get ironed out/solved. Love your crochet items; you have a real talent!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your Rome photos. We were there last November/December. I would have loved to visit that cat shelter. I think it's so neat that you did that. I hope yours and the kitties' all feel better.
ReplyDeleteYour daughter looks so sweet. Happy belated birthday to her!
Nice to see your writing after a long break, Olka! I hope your toothache is better now. Nice tattoo! Hope you end up reaching the Rsys peak :)
ReplyDeleteOlka, it's nice to see you back -- I understand those long breaks but it was fun to live and travel vicariously through all your wonderful photos. And I'm very glad there is some improvement with the cats. I loved all the photos.
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking the time to stop at Marmelade Gypsy and catch up after your break! It was so appreciated! Cheers!