Today, I only consist of complexes, half-truths and understatements. I have no idea if it’s related to the weather or to my emotional problems. But it’s easier to blame it on autumn depression, all in all - everyone is sad and grumbling at the moment, so I’m not the only one with it - I don’t stand out among the others.
No one expected, that Summer will leave us so fast, a slob came earlier this year, I haven’t enough time to change clothes for warm blouses, there are still summer clothes in my wardrobe!
Maja is the only one, who can find advantages of this weather. I would like to be so happy and carefree like she is.
BARF diet is going well and worse at once. Good, because Misio and Purka like to eat it and I could even feed them only with it, but Amaya is grumbling. There is only one option to force her to eat healthy food - mix 2 teaspoons with the can she likes. I’m trying to increase the amount of BARF, I hope that one day she’ll eat only BARF food.
At the moment my cats eat raw chopped meat twice for a day and BARF twice for a day (Amaya gets BARF mixed with can). The target is to have all cats only on BARF food. Of course they’ll get raw meat without supplements for time to time, but I want to give it for them only as a tidbit.
So… still keep your fingers crossed!
Cats urine tests are really bad. Purka has the best results of all, because she still doesn’t have an ammonium magnesium triphosphates in her urine, and pH is around 6. But Amaya and Misio have a lot of crystals and pH is above 8,5. I’m worried about Misio the most, because tomcats have a long urethra, so there is a risk that it gets stuck and then we’ll have to put on the catheter.
Since we started using BARF diet cats got Uroval Manosa, calcium citrate in BARF and the methionine paste to acidify the urine - but it’s all for nothing.
The vet told me to change methionine paste for methionine powder, because sometimes it has better performance. I’m broken and terrified.
Misio’s pancreas is in better condition now, it’s almost healed. He feels good and he eats like a horse! But to make matters worse, Misio has IBD. It’s the autoimmune bowel disease and we can’t cure him. We can only give him medicines to the end of his life to make it nice without more problems and symptoms. Now he’s getting medicines once for a week, but we’ll try to gradually reduce the frequency to get one medicine per month (if we’ll be able to, it depends on the how he’s going to feel). His internal organs look like he would be 10-15 years old cat and the vet told us, that he’s around 7, so I’m still worried about him.
The vet told me also, that cats with IBD with medical care can live as long as healthy cats, so I hope that he’ll be with us a long time!
We’re going to repeat the USG test at the end of the October and then we’ll see how is Misio’s condition.
To be honest it’s really hard to not to be stressed, so I’m making some DIY to feel better. I’m making “lost in time” shawl at the moment. It was supposed to be mine, but I haven’t measure yarn well, so it’s going to be too small for me. But every cloud has a silver lining - I’ll finish it and Maja will have a shawl for late Autumn and early Winter.
All in all I was planning to buy her some nice scarf, so it would be perfect!
I really love the pattern I found, so I ordered more beautiful yarn and I’m going to make second one shawl after I finish this one. This time for sure for myself! :)
If you want to make your own shawl you can find the pattern here.
My driving lessons are nearing its end. We still didn’t talk about everything important to the exam, I still can’t make every maneuver, so I’m getting stressed out. But anyway I’m going to buy some extra driving lessons, because I don’t feel comfortable while driving. So I think my instructor will be able to teach me everything important.
We started to get interested in cars to buy. I like Land Rover mark and Citroen C5. Adam tends to choose the second one, because it uses less fuel than Land Rover. We still have a lot of time for think about it and decide, because we haven’t even tried to pass an exam.
My driving lessons are going quite good, but I still make some mistakes, I force precedence and sometimes I overlook some road signs. But the engine goes out less and less, I find the impulse to reduce a gear on my own and I can slow down gently.
We decided to buy a few succulents to make our flat nice and cozy.
We have some plants on our loggia, but when the Winter will come we’ll have to throw some of them out, some of them will lose all leaves - it’ll be gray and gloomily.
That’s why we made a little open greenhouse in glass dodecahedron. And we have also a few freestanding succulents.
Oh and I also read a lot of good reviews about airplants, so I decided to try to buy it. They’re easy to take care of them, so I hope they won’t die after a month :)
Driving gets easier with time; some things can only be learned when you are out there! Good luck! Sorry to hear the kitties each have their own medical issues, but you'll figure it out. Chuck was never diagnosed with IBD, but we feed him and give him a slight steroid daily as if he does have it, and he's better. Spacecat is adorable!
ReplyDeleteTy to masz talent !!
ReplyDeleteYour kitties' pictures are adorable! Enjoy Rome! We were there last December and loved it. I hope your kitties' medical issues will be ok. Your plants are lovely!
ReplyDeleteYour kitties are adorable. I will add Miso to my prayer list. Someone recently told me about a website for IBD kitties because I was thinking one of my cats had it- http://www.ibdkitties.net/
ReplyDeleteWell, of COURSE you are stressed. I'd be climbing the walls, panicked to the highest level is Lizzie was having those issues and you are dealing with it with multiple cats. Oh, we send good kitty healing wishes your way. I hope they'll be OK during your trip. I'm sure they will.
ReplyDeleteSending big hugs, hope your DIY goes well. I know what you mean about the weather turning -- it has here, too, and while we'll have many good days before snow, I'm no fan of the cold.
Thanks for coming by Marmelade Gypsy! I enjoy having you as a traveling companion during my Quebec posts!
I don't like autumn, because I'm very sleepy and I have too autumn depression. Rome! I haven't been there, but I want to visit it in the future.