A little bit of everything again

I have to catch up with informations. A lot is going on, but i have no time to write about it.

I think I finished my master’s thesis. I hope, that my promoter won’t send me another correction. She probably also is fed up by my thesis (maybe even more than me, at least I’m not the only one, who writes the master’s thesis with her help, so she has to read a lot of texts each day). If I won’t have to change anything, I’ll print it and bring to deanery in few days. And I’ll wait for term of master’s defence. I hope, that it’ll be before we go by the Baltic sea… Maybe they’ll organise it before 4th of July, but I’m aware of that sometimes they need more time. The secretariat reserves itself to have at most one month to organise it :/ But I’m trying to think positive.

Urwis is better now. After the surgery he was walking like a drunk (after narcosis), but one day after removing wenflon he felt quite good. The veterinary wear proved too small (it’s really huge cat), so we bought him baby clothes :) It was pure cotton, so it was comfortable for him. The most cats don’t like any cloth, but I think he liked it, cause he didn’t try to undress himself. He looked so cute in it :) Now he’s after taking out stitches, the wound is healing well. I really see, that he has better mood now.
The tumor he had bothered him - it pressed on his spine. Now the only thing I need is hope, that we won’t have metastasis and the tumor won’t grow again in the same place. We’re still waiting for histopathological findings of the removed organic tissue. Then we’ll know for sure what type of cancer it is.

Our long weekend is really nice. Spontaneously we decide to make a short trip to ToruÅ„ and Bydgoszcz cities. The best thing in that trip was, that I learned about it when we left Warsaw. My husband wake me up on Friday morning and told me, that we have to go. He took my bag and told me, that he packed everything, what we need. And he was ready to go. Honestly, I was pretty sure, that we’re going to have a picnic in Kabaty forest or near the ZegrzyÅ„skie lake… ;)
And instead of this we went to ToruÅ„ for one day, we spent a night in exclusive hotel, another one day we went to Bydgoszcz, and the same day we returned home :) Both cities are very nice and tranquil. Going there you have the impression, that people never rush, you feel calmness and relaxation. This is the charm of small cities. The only one thing which bothered me was sweltering heat. But if I’m right in whole Poland we had really high temperatures.

Today it was also too hot… We’re staying at home and waiting for the evening. We can go for a walk at least after 6:30pm... My cats are also lying without strength to anything. They just moving from one place to another. They have no appetite. Water in their bowls are disappearing so fast and unnoticed like it would evaporate. Actually - I feel exactly like they… Pregnancy and high temperatures don’t fit together. I’m lethargic more than usual and I have permanently swollen legs… :( But I’m sure my baby will compensate me those inconveniences soon :) At the end of the month I’m going to have ultrasound examination, this time I’ll know if its a boy or a girl! At the present day I only feel gentle tickling inside of my belly :)

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